Don’t Be Salty, Just Add A Lil’ Salt!
Hey Guys, Saeed here to fill you in on another spotlighted product from the lovely NSM showroom!
Today we’re showcasing the humble condiment, Salt!
Yep, something so simple as Salt definitely deserves its own NSM Showcase! And here’s why my friends!!!
Critical to human existence, Salt has been a part of the human diet since the beginning of time! The relationship of salt to human health is not only crucial for existence, without salt, life wouldn’t be life! Salt really is fundamental to our being!
Boasting numerous varieties, today we showcase the oh so gorgeous Himalayan Rock Salt! I’m sure you’ve heard and seen the amazing proclaimed benefits of this salt variation, but I’m here to lay down the facts as to why you shouldn’t be eating anything BUT our Himalayan Rock Salt!
Himalayan Rock Salt is an absolute pristine source of natural minerals, acclaimed as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of salts, Himalayan Rock Salt boasts a diverse number of colours and benefits!
Did You Know: The Pink variation of Himalayan Rock Salt is formed from the 84 minerals contained in the salt, which was been created when Earth was said to be in its ‘pristine eco system’, said to be over 250 million years ago!!!
“Woahhhhh, ok so salt’s old, I get it… Now tell me some benefits Saeed”
Here we go My Friend, some benefits of our good friend Salt, when taken in healthy amounts of course coming at ya!
Today I’m just gonna throw some benefits of Himalayan Rock Salt out because there is just so many I can’t expand on them all!
The benefits of Himalayan Rock Salt include:
- Regulating water content throughout the body,
- Promoting bone strength,
- Assisting to prevent muscle cramps,
- Stabilising irregular heartbeats,
- High Mineral Content– Boasting high quantities of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, bromine and iodine, while these minerals are naturally occurring, Himalayan Rock Salt can assist ensure healthy levels of said Minerals are achieved on a daily basis!
- A Natural source of sodium- as a salt, Himalayan Rock Salt is obviously largely by creation, sodium, but did you know sodium is actually essential for your body to function properly? Sodium helps regulate blood volume and pressure, sodium further assists the nervous system transmit information, and reduce muscle cramps!
- Helping your body maintain proper stomach pH levels– stomach acid is known as hydrochloric acid and salt is sodium chloride. Proper stomach acid levels are crucial for good digestion!
- And lastly, Salt just tastes good- who can deny the satiety taste, salt harbors! A pinch of salt can turn ordinary, bland meal into a kickass, delectable blast!
“Okay done deal, tell me how to enjoy it!”
Haha really? Do you really need me to tell you how to eat salt?
Okay fine!
Salt is best consumed on your meals as a condiment, add a pinch of salt to your salads, as a seasoning to meats, on your favourite pasta, ANYTHING! It’s truly the king of condiments!
While Himalayan Rock Salt is irreplaceable as a part of your everyday diet, it is crucial to ensure only the recommended daily intake of 2,300 mg is consumed to avoid any adverse nasties!
We at NSM have a ready supply of many Himalayan Rock Salt Variations ready for delivery,
To order please contact our friendly team:
(03) 9380 8789
Or alternatively, email:
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See You Next Time!